We’ve been serving the finance sector for over 40 years.
We started out in 1977 as the Jamaica Institute of Bankers (JIOB), the training arm of the Bank of Jamaica. The BOJ’s goal was to provide professional development avenues for those working in the banking sector. The Jamaica Bankers Association took control of the JIOB in 1999, eventually changing our name to the Jamaica Institute of Financial Services in 2010 to reflect our widened focus on strengthening the entire financial sector.

Official launch of the Jamaica Institute of Bankers (JIOB) by the Hon. G. Arthur Brown, Governor Bank of Jamaica (BOJ)
Cooperation Agreement signed with Institute of Bankers (IOB) London and College of Arts Science & Technology (CAST) regarding Associate of Institute of Bankers (AIB) Diploma Programme

Jamaicanization of Stage 1 of the AIB course to take into consideration the Jamaican banking environment

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) programme established at CAST in collaboration with JIOB

First Graduates of BBA Programme done in collaboration with CAST (now UTECH) - the first graduating class included Patrick Hylton, now the Group Managing Director of NCB

Official Launch of Universities of Manchester & Wales MBA Programme

First Presentation of Graduates of the MBA Programme held
Became a founding member of Caribbean Association of Banking and Financial Institutes (CABFI)

The Jamaica Bankers Association assumed full responsibility for the operations of JIOB

Hosted the World Conference of Banking Institutes in Jamaica

Designated as the approved Caribbean Centre for the administration of MBS Worldwide MBA programmes in the region

Commenced offering Diploma and Certificate Programmes in Compliance, in partnership with the International Compliance Association (ICA) and MBS

MBS & JIOB decide to discontinue the MBA programme in Jamaica

Cooperation agreement with Mona School of Business, (Now Mona School of Business & Management) to collaborate on training programmes for the financial sector

Commenced offering the Certified International Financial Planner programme in collaboration with Keith Checkley & Associates and Chartered Banker Institute (Scotland).

Commenced offering the Certified Credit Professional (CCP) programme online, in collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Bankers Scotland (CIOBS)

Name changed to the Jamaica Institute of Financial Services (JIFS)

Commenced offering the Certified International Risk Manager (CIRM) programme through the CIOBS

Established a relationship with Bangor University to offer the Chartered Banker MBA (CBMBA) within the Caribbean

Established mentorship relationship with UWI Banking League,
a student led organization at the Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of the West Indies Mona

First graduates of the cohort of CBMBA students

Agreement signed with Association Cambiste Internationale
(ACI) Financial Markets to offer the Foreign Exchange (FX)
Global Code Certificate Programme in Jamaica

Symbolic signing ceremony of FX code of conduct at the Bank of Jamaica